This is a site dedicated to the Libertines and their offspring. News, interviews, reviews, articles, pictures, videos and exclusives right here from the troubled world of the Babyshambles and Dirty Pretty Things (and, why not, Yeti).


Drew writes to FDW

Now then. To avoid confusion I should say straight off its Drew here not Peter. yes yes I know we're supposed to have played Norway tonight. I'm fucking gutted. but i don't have much more to say on the matter or on many tandem matters as i'm not entirely sure myself what the fucks the matter. stolen passports, broken phones and a bag of bones kneeling at the alter of excess would seem to suggest i digress but can't digest or heal no matter how hard i try to focus us we do inevitably diversify... live by the sword then dine with the bored who equal every action my closest at times are driven to abstraction like a cowering child as the crowd go mild. I'm sure you're all as sick of hearing me apologise as i am of saying sorry. However heartfelt its meant, it sounds and feels hollow, as really I've not actually done anything wrong. Fuck off McConnell, stop singing that same old same old song and on and on and on and on............ But what i do want to say with some true joy in my heart is that a very unique Helsinki set(tlement) is brewing for Sunday on the Guardian Lounge Stage at Glastonbury. With so many great singers, musicians and poets all knocking about Worthy Farm my little slot is starting to look brimful of the kinda guests that make me giddy as a starstruck child. I won't mention names but if you're anywhere near our tent round that time pop in, I promise you'll see summat special unfold. Peace, Love, Respect and greasy comets covered in funkwarts Drew Helsinki McShambles x X

The loveliest guy in the world you are, Drusillo... if there had to be any remote reason why I should leave my island to climb up to Glastonbury tomorrow, that would be you, and nobody else.
Mucho love.

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